Where Does Gambling Revenue Come From? Since we’ve said that Australian gamblers don’t pay taxes on their winnings, it’s reasonable to ask how state governments collect so much tax revenue from gambling! Since close to 10% of state revenue comes from gambling, clearly someone is paying a lot of money to the tax man. The good news is that gambling winnings are all taxed at the same flat rate despite their amount. This is one more reason for you to report your winnings. Paying a tax on a large sum of money at a flat rate is better than paying a progressive tax on salary income.
If you’re like most people, you dread tax season each year. There’s nothing like the anxiety of wondering if you’re going to owe the IRS. Add to that the stress of figuring out what informationyou’ll need to include and whether it’s coming by mail or electronic delivery, then scheduling time to meet with your tax advisor. Not to mention the added fear of wondering if you’re going tomiss something that will result in penalties and interest, or, even worse, an audit.
All of this can combine to create a real headache. Read on to learn some of the basics regarding your gambling winnings and losses and how they affect your individual income tax return. Evenpossessing some general knowledge on the issue can go a long way to reduce stress. Keep in mind that this material is provided for general awareness. For tax planning and advice and more detailedinformation, check out the links provided throughout this post.
It’s also important to note that the information provided here is for casual gamblers only. Professional gamblers will file Schedule C to report winnings and losses from gambling, and that isoutside the scope of this discussion. Most gamblers will have a hard time classifying themselves as professionals, and there may be some reasons why it would not be considered advantageous to doso.

Do You Have To Pay Tax On Gambling Winnings Australia
Without any further delay, let’s take a look at 7 things you should know about gambling and your US individual income tax return.