May 15, 2017 HOTEL SAVANNAH mit Casino Route 59 American Chance Casinos. Unsubscribe from American Chance Casinos? Cancel Unsubscribe. American chance casino. Jul 26, 2019 The place includes nice park for kids playing; good for little kids. It has also shopping outlet with majority of brands, especially sportswear and casual dressings with reasonable prices. Presentation of the American Chance Casino Route 55 & Hotel. Back in the frivolous time where petticoats and rock and roll rush. In the style of the 50s in America, you will be kidnapped in the Route 55 Casino, allowing James Dean and Marilyn Monroe to revive.

345 32 Česká
345 32 Česká Kubice 345 32
Czech Republic
+420 379 792 011
American Chance Casinos (ACC) is a European subsidiary of a publicly traded, U.S. company, Trans World Corporation (TWC), which is headquartered in New York City, USA.
American Chance Casino, Česká Kubice, Czech Republic, is located on the Czech German border, about an hour east of Regensburg, Germany. This Casino targets it’s marketing efforts toward German Citizens.
This is an “American” Themed Casino, that provides an American atmosphere and Classic American Gambling Games, such as… American Roulette, Poker and others.
7 American Roulette Wheels.
2 Blackjack Tables.
6 Poker tables.
80 Slot Machines.
Restaurant and Hotel access.